Situation 1
"My hard drive started making screeching noises and knocking sounds. My project - in its entirety - is gone. Seven weeks of overtime effort. Six weeks of analysis. Last week, I thought I wouldn't get it done on time, but finished by pulling three all-nighters in a row. So now it is done, and my computer keeps rebooting. What should I do?" - Backup Service in Surrey BC, Data Recovery Service
Situation 2
"My computer seems slow. When I couldn't start my control center, I just figured, it was more important to do my regular work, even on a sluggish computer. Now random files are going missing, but we can get them back, right?"
Situation 3
"The printer started acting up. It would only print documents after 10 minutes, but I thought that was normal. But now partners have complained that the 10 minute delay forced them to bring second revision documents to an important meeting, and the client was not impressed. Now what?"
Do your computers seem unreliable?
Hiring TCEG to manage and support your computer systems is a superior solution, which operates much like an insurance policy for your computers. For fixed, easy-to-budget monthly fee, we offer on-site service, on-site computer diagnostics, computer repairs, remote technical support, a telephone help desk service, network services such as network administration, systems administration, and related services.